Anti-War Resolution in Toledo, OH
February 14, 2003
Lesson 22

4. Explanation of Anti-war resolution

       For this question I am still researching and trying to find out where the next Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition is being held. Since I still haven't been able to find it, I will tell you about what I have found in research on cities who have anti-war resolutions. I found this really interesting, so I thought I would share the information with you. (I have since learned that these meetings are on Mondays at 7:00--and I am going to attend one with my mom.)

       The list of cities that have anti-war resolutions is still fairly short. There is Chicago, IL, Ann Arbor, MI, Madison, WI, Washington, DC, Syracuse, NY, Santa Fe, NM, New Haven, CT, Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, Ithaca, NY, Oakland, CA, Santa Cruz, CA, and Chapel Hill, NC. This list may be short, but I am hoping that it grows longer. I would really like Toledo, OH, to be added to this list!

       The thing that has happened in these places is that the city council and the people of the city itself have voted on being for or against war. If the higher percentage is against war, then this city posts that it has passed an anti-war resolution. That means that this city has officially stated that it is against war! I think that this idea is great, and if more cities would join the list of cities it would be great! The people of America should work for an anti-war country, and then the people in the White House would have no choice but to give up on war with Iraq!

5. Letter to mayor of Toledo requesting Anti-war resolution

13 February, 2003

Dear Mayor and Members of City Council,

       This is a letter from a concerned citizen of Toledo, OH. I have read newspaper articles on cities such as Ann Arbor, Michigan, Chicago, Illinois, Madison, Wisconsin, and a couple more, who have voted, and passed an anti-war resolutions. I think that Toledo, OH, should do the same. Toledo has always prided itself on being a city of the common man, and I think that we should start to show that we really do care for the common man, and not just the American common man but every common man of the world! This would change my view of Toledo. I would have much more respect for it because, at the moment, I feel that we aren't doing anything to change what is going on in the world. We are just sitting back and watching it happen. I want Toledo to take some action and say 'No to war!'

Thank You,

Maya Bennardo